Cheapest Place To Buy A Harley
Where is the cheapest place to buy a Harley? That is the question that most potential buyers of a used Harley want to know before they spend tons of time searching through every site that offers used Harleys for sale.
We are the cheapest place to find and buy used Harleys from. Yes, we know that there will always be someplace that offers one or two used Harleys cheaper than us. It's just inevitable that it will happen. But, then you also have to ask your self we their price on a particular used Harley is cheaper. What kind of condition is the bike in? How many miles are on the bike? What type of care did the previous owner take of the bike?
We buy used Harleys that are clean and well maintained. Yes, every now and then we will take in a used Harley that you may take a look at and see a scratch or two. When you buy as many used Harleys as we do to resell, there is bound to by a bike or two that somehow slips by our used Harley buyers. With around 300 used Harleys in our inventory (and growing) it just sometimes happens. When we list those bikes for resale, we are sure to tell you that there may be a flaw or two on the bike. Also in that case, we will also mark down the bike to a price that is even lower that our usual cheap everyday prices on all of our used Harleys. So you can safely shop with us for a cheap used Harley.
Why do we sell used Harleys so cheap? That's a question we've heard multiple times. Those doing the questioning don't want us to sell at higher prices, they just see others selling comparable used Harleys elsewhere at much higher prices than our cheap prices and wonder. We sell our Harleys at the cheapest prices because we can. We are riders too and we want to see u=you have the used Harley you want at the cheapest price so when we see you on the street, you will be happy to wave and say hello to us. We also sell our used Harleys at the cheapest prices because of the large volume of used Harleys that we sell. Unlike other dealers that only sell a few used Harleys, we sell lots of used Harleys and we can afford to make a smaller profit off of each unit we sell and still be able to pay our bills each month.
So that is how you can find used Harleys at the cheapest prices when you shop with us for a great used Harley.
When you want to buy a used Harley, you may also need financing to complete your purchase. We offer low fixed rate financing on every cheap priced used Harley we sell. We work with everyone to get you the financing you need to ride an American icon like the Harley Davidson motorcycle. We're not worried about your credit history like some others may be. We want to see that you are moving forward and not stuck in the past. Our finance application is simple and secure. Our approvals are fast and easy too, because we know that once you've made the decision to buy a used Harley at the cheapest price, you want to get out and ride. We understand. We want to get you riding your Harley too.