Discount ATVs - New or Used
While most ATV dealers talk about having discount ATVs, we don't just talk about having discount ATVs with the hope that you will be lured in to us only to find that there really is no such thing. We really do offer discount ATVs for sale.
When you're shopping for discount ATVs, that is what you want. You don't want to hear some hype about discount ATVs only to find that the ATV dealer really doesn't offer discounts on the ATVs they sell. We think we're a little (maybe even a lot) different than others that talk about having discount ATVs for sale. How are we different? We really do offer all of our new Honda, Suzuki or Yamaha ATVs for sale at a huge discount. When we sell any of our late model certified used ATVs, we sell those at huge discounts too.
Why do we offer discount ATVs when most others don't really offer discounts? Why should we not be like them and only talk about discount ATVs?
Our business model is different than others in the industry and in Michigan. We have a warehouse style of ATV showroom. We don't have all of the fancy amenities that produce high overhead that someone has to pay for (you). We keep things pretty bare bones and that keeps our costs down. We can then offer you discounts on your ATV. By keeping our costs low, we can keep your costs low too. We can offer you discount ATVs.
Another way we offer you discount ATVs is with our low fixed rate financing for ATVs. While some may offer a little discount on your purchase, they will often make up that discount with expensive financing for your ATV. So you may save a little on your ATV, but, in the end you will probably end up paying more with these supposed discount ATV dealers.
We understand how tight money is for everyone these days and that we must all stick to a budget. If we don't sell our ATVs at a discount, you will blow your budget and be left with an ATV that you can't afford to use. That's no good for you and no good for us either. We are ATV riders too and we know how much fun it can be to get out on a quad. We want to see you able to do the same thing. And, just because we are a discount ATV dealer, doesn't mean that we don't have budgets too.
We've also learned that if we offer discount ATVs, we tend to sell more ATVs. We may have to work a little harder than other dealers to earn our living, but, at night, when it's time to sleep, we do so at ease knowing that we made you a great deal with a discount ATV.
Whether you're looking for a discount new Honda, Yamaha or Suzuki ATV or a discount late model certified used ATV when you shop with us for your ATV, you will get a discount ATV.
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