​Yamaha R1 Sport Bikes New Used

If you've discovered that your R6 seems a little stale, then it's time to move up to the premiere Yamaha sport bike, the Yamaha R1.

Yamaha sport bike riders love their motorcycles. While many sport bike riders will start their sport bike riding adventures with the Yamaha R6, they often discover that after a while, once they become accustomed to riding a sport bike, that they want a motorcycle that is a little larger a lot faster. Although the Yamaha R6 is a great sport bike delivering speed and power coupled with excellent handling, for the sport bike enthusiast it seems a little tame after get used to handling a crotch rocket.

So what do you do to enjoy greater thrills again? The answer is simple, get a bigger and badder bike! Fortunately for the sport bike rider that wants more out of a motorcycle, Yamaha has what you want and what you need. For riders like you there is the ultimate Yamaha sport bike, the Yamaha R1.

Loaded with more power, you will enjoy faster take off from the line, faster top end speeds along with more comfort and superior handling. This is the motorcycle that many pro racers ride. Although many pro racers will have many power enhancements added to their R1, for the average street rider the Yamaha R1, just as it comes off the assembly line is offers more than enough excitement and power. The kind of power and excitement that those pros on the track get to experience. Even if your R1 isn't built up, you can still get all of the thrills and excitement from riding one of these great sport bikes that you will ever really need.

When you shop with us for a Yamaha sport bike, you will find an excellent selection of all of the newest Yamaha sport bikes and they are all available at the cheapest prices possible. We offer all of the new Yamaha R1's along with all of the newest Yamaha R6's and we make great deals on every new Yamaha motorcycle we sell.

If a new Yamaha R1 isn't in your budget (even with our low prices) of if you would rather own an R1 that is already broken in or has already had some power or style enhancements made to it, then you need to check out all of our late model certified used R1 sport bikes. Our selection of used Yamaha R1's is about the best you could ever hope to find in one location. Our cheap prices on used R1's are the lowest you will find. For you, we have an R1 just awaiting for you to ride and enjoy.

Back to that affordability thing. We offer low fixed rate financing on every new or used R1 we have in our inventory. Our low fixed rate financing is for everyone too. Whatever your credit history, we'll get you financed to ride a new or used Yamaha R1 with low monthly payments that will fit into your budget. Apply now for your Yamaha R1 financing with our simple and secure online finance application.

If you prefer not to finance, we also offer in house layaway on all new or used R1 sport sport bikes. Our motorcycle layaway is an industry leading program that allows you to put a little down and pay a little each month. You can use our layaway to fully pay for your new or sued R1 or you can pay down the balance until you're ready to finance. Our layaway offers you the ability to buy your motorcycle with no credit checks and never pay a finance charge. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you to own and ride your R1 with our motorcycle layaway plan.

When it's time for you to move up to a bigger, badder and faster sport bike, check out our selection of new or used Yamaha YZF-R1 sport bike motorcycles.

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