** Text Alert **
I pull out my phone and see a text from Cindy. It says "Hey Girl, wanna ride?" Is she crazy? I always want to ride. My response "DUH!!" and so our banter continues. When we finally get the details nailed down and have checked with our guys, we set a time and date. We decided on this Saturday at 8 am to meet for breakfast at the Wyldwood Grill on M-46. The rest of our ride was left up in the air. I suspected Tom and Cindy had something up their sleeve but knew if they did it would be great.
Saturday morning we were up and ready to ride. We arrived at the Wyldwood Grill on time and for once beat Tom and Cindy there. We got a table and ordered coffee while we decided what to eat. The food was all good here and no choice was a bad one. Tom and Cindy were only a couple minutes behind us. Once we ordered and were waiting for our food we discussed where we would go from here. All either Tom or Cindy would say was that we would figure it out as we went.
We finished our breakfast and headed out towards Caro. We took M-81 (a nice freshly paved road) on to N Cemetery Road. We headed up to Elkton where we made our next stop at the Hitching Post Inn. We played a game of pool, enjoyed a drink and continued on our way. Cindy and Tom still wouldn't tell me what they had up their sleeve but I could tell there was something. I asked for a clue and was told it was going to be crisp this afternoon.
When we left there we headed back to M-142 and out towards Bad Axe. I thought we would follow M-142 on to M-53 but we turned left and followed M-142 where I thought we would turn right. We were heading towards the lake shore and I began to grow more curious. Crisp was an accurate description for a ride along lakeshore but somehow I doubt that is what they meant. Where could we be heading? This road took us out to Harbor Beach and beyond that M-25 (known as lakeshore to those from the area). We headed south towards Port Sanilac on M-25. We pulled up outside the Blue Water Sport Bar & Grill where we had lunch and played another game of pool. Again I inquired about out destination and again I was left wanting. They simple told me not to whine and enjoy the ride.
By the time we were back on the road I realized my husband must have been in on things because he seemed to know where we were going. When I questioned him he simply reminded me not to whine and to enjoy the ride. I sat back and laughed to myself and did as instructed. We rode down the lakeshore and I watched the ships and checked out the houses. As we rode through Lexington I again was surprised when we didn't turn onto M-90 but instead continued towards Port Huron.
When we turned onto Jeddo road I again began to ask questions only to be shot down. I figured we must be getting close since I couldn't imagine another reason to go down Jeddo road. We turned again on Wildcat road and I began to wonder if we were headed to my favorite winding road. When we turned again onto Harris road I was lost and thought maybe we were visiting some friend of theirs. When we turned into McCallum's Orchard & Cider Mill I could taste the donuts and cider before I could smell them.
Walking around in their market I found some fruit wine and crisp apples everywhere. I laughed as Tom pointed out his clues. I bought a bottle of wine for later and because our bikes had tour packs and saddlebags I bought some apples to take home. We sat and had some donuts and cider. As we loaded our purchases I asked if we were done and headed home or if there was another destination in mind. Tom informed me that we were meeting some of our crew at Kingswood for dinner and drinks. I asked if since we were so close if we could take Beard road back towards M-19. I explained about how it twists and turns and everyone agreed it would be the best route.
Our ride back was calm and relaxing. We arrived at Kingswood just after the rest of our group. They had gone riding to a family event. We shared our days events and enjoyed our evening which included more pool and jokes. We went home fairly early because it had been a long day and lots of fresh air.